April 3

Monday April 4, 2016

Learning Goal:
I will make interpretations from reading, ask critical questions, uncover perspectives, and engage in conversations to form conclusions.
I will use evidence to support my ideas
I will use a tool to plan a media piece that suits the form I have chosen


You will have chromebooks for the first 30min. In this time, you should polish your response to the prompt “What does reconciliation look like to me?” from last week. Use your Personal Proofreading checklist and the rubric to help you. Once you have polished this writing, please post to the D2L forum under “What does reconciliation mean to me?”

Please comment on 2 other responses. Use the Commenting Rubric to help frame your response.

Next we will read our Lit Circle novels. Track your thinking about this to help you prepare for your next Lit Circle.

Finally, we will talk about the design process for #CraftReconciliation project:

Your exit slip is to make a decision about what you might build and begin the planning process.

Category: 2016 | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 28

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Learning Goals:

I am learning to

  • identify tools that I use in my learning and show evidence of using these tools

Change of plans. Today we are working on installing and getting ready for #CraftReconciliation building. You will be working on the laptops to install the program. While you are waiting for the installation, you should be finishing up your learner’s toolkit.

We will read and get ready for our Lit Circles. Remember, the first third of your novel needs to be complete by Thursday!


Category: 2016 | LEAVE A COMMENT